Heavy Weight Show on KQNY Quincy, CA 91.9FM and streaming at http://www.kqny919.org/home.html 8:30pm pacific and Saturday 11.30pm pacific. Back from my 8th Roadburn Festival, still best festival on the planet imho. Junko Ueda “Dan No Ura, Pt. 1” Circuit des Yeux “I’m On Fire II” AHAB “The Mælstrom Feat. Esoteric” AHAB “Prof. Arronax’ Descent into the Vast Oceans (Feat. Ultha)” Elder “Knot” Elder “Halcyon” Conan “Revengeance” Brutus “child” Conan “Hawk as Weapon” Brutus “Sugar Dragon” #doommetal #blackmetal #heavymetal #metalmusicfans